Major political parties jointly implement the IMF agenda: Siraj


Lahore: JI ameer Sirajul Haq criticized mainstream opposition parties for helping the government pass the budget in the National Assembly, saying that PTI, PML-N and PPP were united in imposing the IMF and Western agenda on Pakistan.

“They (PTI, PML-N, PPP) are just fighting to be the blue-eyed boys of the institution,” he said in a speech to party workers in Mansoura on Tuesday. He added that the ruling elite has nothing to do with the pain of ordinary people unable to afford two meals due to inflation and the disappearance of the opportunity to make money in the market. He added that their commitment to democracy and slogans for the welfare of the masses are lies.

Later, when he addressed the students of Mansoura Said Modudi College, millions of children were out of school due to poverty. He added that unemployment has become the biggest emerging crisis in Pakistan. He said it is necessary to increase federal and provincial education budgets and introduce modern facilities in universities, colleges, schools and religious seminaries.


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