Call to ensure women’s inheritance rights

Lahore: Speakers at the seminar emphasized the need to ensure all inheritance rights for Islamic women in property, and stated that depriving them of their rights is cruel to them. The seminar was organized by the Quran and Hadith Center in PU Al Raazi Hall on Tuesday. Dr. Saleem Mazhar, Vice-Chancellor of Punjab University, Dr. Abdul Hayee Abro, Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Law, International Islamic University, Dr. Hammad Lakhvi, Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Prof. Mumtaz Anwar Ch, Faculty of Business, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Dr. Chairman of the Ranking Committee Mumtaz Anwar Ch Khalid Mahmood, Dr. Saad Siddiqui, Director of the Islamic Research Institute, Professor Harris Mobeen of the Center for Quran and Hadith (CQS), faculty and many students participated in the event. Professor Salim Mazar said in his speech that those who do not give women inheritance rights cannot protect their rights.
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