Afghanistan’s assertion that TTP does not operate on its territory is contrary to the facts on the ground: FO


Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zahid Hussein Chodri.Photo: File

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan on Monday dismissed Afghanistan’s claims that the Pakistani Taliban (TTP) is not operating on its territory and stated that there is evidence that this is not the case because Afghanistan has more than 5,000 TTP members.

A statement issued on this said: “In the past many years, TTP used Afghan land to launch several terrible terrorist attacks in Pakistan without any retaliation from the host.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs quoted the 12th report issued by the UN Monitoring Group in June 2021 as saying that TTP is known to have “unique anti-Pakistan goals” and the report stated that it is located in Afghanistan “close to the Pakistan border”.

“TTP, after careful integration with its separatist groups with the help of hostile intelligence agencies (HIAs), continues to exist in Afghanistan with impunity and carries out cross-border attacks on Pakistan, posing a continuing threat to our security and stability,” the statement said.

The statement further added that Pakistan’s commitment to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations without discrimination is unwavering and clear.

“Pakistan continues to emphasize the need for meaningful engagement with the Afghan side to address security and terrorism issues through effective use of the Afghanistan-Pakistan Action Plan for Peace and Solidarity (APAPPS).”

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pakistan has been “making serious and sincere efforts to promote the peace process within Afghanistan to achieve an inclusive political settlement”.

“We hope that the Afghans will seize this opportunity to achieve lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan.”

“The Afghan government is fighting TTP like any other terrorist organization”

A day ago, the Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement stating that “The Pakistani Taliban (TTP) was neither established in Afghanistan nor operating in Afghanistan.”

“According to the national security policy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, this movement, along with other terrorist organizations, is regarded as the enemy of peace, stability and prosperity in Afghanistan and the region. The Afghan government fights this terrorist organization just like any other non-discriminatory terrorist organization. same.”

The Minister of Interior of the Afghan government Sheikh Rashid made a statement after saying that Pakistan hopes that TTP will not be allowed to operate in Afghanistan.

“Prime Minister Imran Khan made it clear that we [Pakistan] It will not allow the United States to have any bases that can be used against Afghanistan,” he said in an interview with the media in Islamabad on Saturday.

“…But we also expect from [Afghan] Taliban say they will not allow TTP [Tehreek-e-Pakistan Taliban] According to a report in the “Tribune Express”, he once said, as well as other factors in carrying out any activities that harm the lives and property of the Pakistani people.


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