Robert Horry defended Phil Jackson after Scotty Pippen claimed racism: “I don’t think Phil is racist at all”


Phil Jackson has at least one guard.

Just a few days ago, Scottie Pippen said that the former Bulls and Lakers head coach was a racist. He said that Jackson did not play in the 1994 playoffs against the Knicks. I was willing to prepare a last-second shot for him, but chose for Tony Kukoc, this is a “race move.”

But former NBA champion and player under Jackson, Robert Horry, defended the coach on Wednesday. “Big Shot Bob” Podcast, Said Jackson is not actually a racist.

“I played for Phil. I don’t think Phil is a racist,” Horry said. “He said something before that and I had to check him. For me, I don’t think he is racist.”

Horry explained how Jackson might have crossed the line during a gathering.

more: What Scotty Pippen said in a controversial interview

“Phil was like,’You need to know the sign of your master’s voice,’ I looked at him and I thought,’Wow, wow, wow, we don’t do this. I’m from the South.”

Jackson replied: “I didn’t mean that. I didn’t mean that.”

Jackson, known by his nickname “Zen Master”, may be a little inclined to this kind of gimmick, so if the situation is a bit of a communication disorder, it is understandable.

Horry said that he understood what Jackson was trying to say, and he also understood that Pippen was dealing with some of the personal things in his life that might make him speak in places of pain and anger.

Although Pippen did not name a specific example of Jackson being a racist, he did not hesitate when he was investigated by Dan Patrick on Monday.

Patrick said: “If you say it is racism, you are saying that Phil is a racist.”

Pippen replied: “I have no opinion on this.”

Patrick: “Do you think Phil was, or is it now?”

Pippen: “Oh, yes.”


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