Jenna Ellis Chooses Plea Deal in GA Trump Case, Cites God’s Faithfulness in ‘Midst of Evil World’


Former Trump attorney and outspoken Christian conservative Jenna Ellis reached a deal with prosecutors Tuesday and pleaded guilty to a reduced charge in Georgia’s 2020 election case against former President Donald Trump.

Ellis, the fourth defendant in the case to choose a plea deal, played a role in Trump’s reelection campaign in the last presidential cycle. She was charged alongside Trump and 17 others with violating the state’s anti-racketeering law. 

In court, she pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting false statements and writings.

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She fought back tears saying she would not have represented Trump after the 2020 election if she knew then what she knows now. Ellis said she relied on lawyers with much more experience than her and failed to verify that the things they told her were true. She said she looks back on the experience with “deep remorse.”

“What I did not do but should have done, your honor, was to make sure that the facts the other lawyers alleged to be true were, in fact, true,” the 38-year-old Ellis said.

The conditions of her plea deal require that she serve five years of probation, pay $5,000 of restitution to the Georgia secretary of state within 30 days, and testify at hearings or trials in the case.

It is also recommended that Ellis serve 100 hours of community service and write an apology letter to the citizens of Georgia.

She has also agreed to not post about the case on social media or talk to reporters until the case is closed. 

Tuesday morning on social media she posted a reference to Psalm 91 saying, “God is good all the time. Even in the midst of an evil world.”


Previously when indicted, Ellis had posted to X that she was “resolved to trust the Lord.”

“The Democrats and the Fulton County DA are criminalizing the practice of law. I am resolved to trust the Lord and I will simply continue to honor, praise, and serve Him. I deeply appreciate all of my friends who have reached out offering encouragement and support,” she wrote.

She also posted an image of her mugshot on X sharing, “‘But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you…’ Matt 5:44” wrote Ellis. “‘But he who trusts in the Lord, lovingkindness shall surround him. Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous ones; And shout for joy, all you who are upright in heart.’ Psalm 32:10-11.”

The last few years have not been easy for Ellis, but she told CBN News in 2020 that this is when she draws closer to God.

“My security is 100% in God and who I am in the Lord,” she shared. “That’s what gives me the courage to go forward and know that I’m doing the right thing. I’m secure in God.”  

Despite being mocked for her political stance on social media, Ellis never hesitates to point people to Jesus. 

“When King David talks about all of the attacks and everything, he always finds solace and comfort in God,” she told CBN News. “He knows that God is the only one that matters at the end of the day.” 


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