How diverse is Azad Kashmir’s new council?


On August 3, 2021, before Shah Ghulam Qadir, the propagandist of Muzaffarabad, the propaganda speaker Shah Ghulam Qadir in Muzaffarabad, the newly elected Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) legislative assembly. -Twitter/Govtofajk/Archive

The recent elections in Azad Jammu and Kashmir have produced many surprises and brought a new ruling party to govern.

But who are the men and women in the new legislative assembly? How diverse and representative is it?

Geographic TV View the age, occupation, gender, and education of the incoming representative.


In 2021, no young politician between the ages of 25 and 30 will be elected to the AJK Legislative Assembly. In 2016, when the last time a poll was held in the federal department, 5% of young members entered the parliament.

The vast majority (95%) of people who will sit in the new house are middle-aged and elderly people.

Here is a breakdown:

Age, gender, occupation: how diverse will Azad Kashmir's new collection be?


It is estimated that 82% of the members of the Legislative Assembly in 2021 have completed a bachelor’s degree. This is an increase from 2016, when only 58% of people had an undergraduate degree.

However, there are no masters or doctorate holders in the legislature, only 4% have completed the intermediate courses, and 7% have passed the entrance exam.

Age, gender, occupation: how diverse will Azad Kashmir's new collection be?


In the 2021 Legislative Assembly, a large percentage (58%) of the members own companies. In 2016, their proportion was 61%.

The second largest number is lawyers, accounting for 18% of the total. Their proportion was only 15% in 2016.

In addition, landlords or farmers accounted for 7% of the total population, compared with 12% in 2016.

Those who are identified as “full-time politicians” will account for 13% of parliament members. There was no such politician in the last parliament.

However, in the 2021 conference, no doctor can become a member.

Age, gender, occupation: how diverse will Azad Kashmir's new collection be?


Six women have made it to the 53-member assembly, of which one was elected on a general seat.


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