Bad weather may spoil Pakistan-India Asia Cup clash on Saturday: report


The highly anticipated Asia Cup match between Pakistan and India in Sri Lanka’s Kandy on Saturday could face interruptions due to inclement weather as forecasts for the day indicate a significant likelihood of rain.

The match is scheduled for 2:30pm (PST) start, but AccuWeather, the forecasting agency, predicted unfavourable conditions in Kandy. According to it, “thundery showers and light winds” are expected from 8:30am onwards, persisting until around 4:30pm.

It also said “light rain showers with light winds” were also expected to persist throughout the day.

The forecaster has also predicted three spells of showers during the day with 94 per cent chance of precipitation.

For the nighttime, the website anticipated an 87pc chance of rain, with the potential for heavy rainfall.

Meanwhile, another weather tracking website predicted an 80pc chance of rain during the day and 70pc chance after sunset.

One of the prominent matches in recent years featuring arch-rivals was the 2019 World Cup clash, significantly affected by rain. India emerged victorious in the encounter, securing an 89-run win through the Duckworth-Lewis method.


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