‘America Needs God’: Lawmakers to Join Evangelical Leaders in Repentance
Intercessors around the world will gather for a day of prayer this Wednesday to “pray prayers of serious repentance” for America.
The National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance will take place at the Museum of the Bible and be livestreamed on January 31st from 7:30 a.m. EST to 1 p.m.
House Speaker Mike Johnson, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn will be among several speakers at the event including other members of Congress and members of Parliament from various nations, along with evangelical leaders and intercessors.
These leaders will “pray prayers of serious repentance for (1) personal sins, (2) sin in the church and (3) America’s sins, followed by praying for the Nations,” explains the National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance website.
Dr. Jim Garlow and Tony Perkins, founder of the Family Research Council, are the co-founders of the prayer event.
Garlow explained that the event is not about man’s performance, but glorifying God.
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“The prayers are about repentance. For personal sins. For sin in the church. For America’s sins. We focus on the vertical, that is, God. We don’t applaud for people. We only applaud for God…at the end. We don’t have speeches or sermons, except designated persons to call us to serious repentance. We don’t even introduce people,” he said.
“The spotlight is on God. People lead in prayer. To Him. For one minute. Sincere heartfelt prayer. Intense prayer. As if the nation depends on it. Because it does,” Garlow added.
Perkins believes it is imperative for America’s future that believers pray.
“Our nation needs God. Now. Our Founding Fathers understood that our strength and unity were found in our commitment to Him and to His righteousness. We think America is strong, yet a long train of events reveals weakness on every front and historic level of division. We assume America will always be. It will not,” Perkins expressed.
He added, “America needs God. While some may refuse to accept that reality, we readily acknowledge that America truly does need God…We invite you to join us on January 31 in the spirit of humility, brokenness, contriteness, and repentance.”
Participants will also be hearing reports of what God is doing in Israel including how prophecy began to be fulfilled when five red heifers arrived in Israel.
As CBN News reported, some Jews and Christians believe red heifers are a key element leading to the building of the Third Jewish Temple.
The heifers are currently in a secure, undisclosed location in Israel. Plans include moving them to a visitor’s center in Shiloh, where the tabernacle of the Lord once stood for nearly 400 years.
The book of Numbers explains that ashes of the red heifer are used to purify priests for their service in the Temple:
“Now, the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, ‘This is the ordinance of the law which the Lord has commanded, saying: Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring you a red heifer without blemish, in which there is no defect and on which a yoke has never come. You shall give it to Eleazar the priest, that he may take it outside the camp, and it shall be slaughtered before him … its offal shall be burned … for the water of purification; it is for purifying from sin.'” (Numbers 19:1-5)
To replicate the ceremony mentioned in the Bible, the red heifers need to be at least 3 years old. And within that time span, they cannot have a blemish or anything that would disqualify them from the ceremony, even one white or black hair.
According to those working on the project, the ceremony of the red heifer needs to be performed on the Mount of Olives, and in a place that would have looked directly into where the Temple stood. The land directly east of the Temple Mount purchased 12 years ago, meets both of those standards.
Rabbi Yitshak Mamo owns that land on the Mount of Olives and will be speaking at the national prayer event.
Lastly, Knesset member Ohad Tal will provide attendees with the latest information on the Israel-Hamas war, including the current hostage situation.
As CBN News last reported, negotiations are ongoing for the release of more than 100 hostages still in Hamas captivity.
To register for the event, visit https://praydc.org/.