Creators can now make money on Discord

Discord officially announced the opening of its Server Subscription in the US, after testing out ways that the app’s community leaders and creators could monetize on the platform over the last year.
The company has shared its pricing requirements and perks as well.
Discord is a free chatting platform with video and voice features similar to Slack and Skype, which has attracted users from all over with similar interests, especially gamers.
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Server Subscription will cost between $3 and $200 which will let creators have their own freedom on what they can offer their followers in return for a monthly fee. The subscription for followers can include unique roles, perks, and benefits, while the Discord servers can also offer pricing tiers. After applicable fee deductions, server owners will receive 90% of their earnings.
Discord detailed certain requirements for users to join the Server Subscription, which includes the server location being in the US, the server being in good standing with Discord, with no recent Terms of Service or Community Guideline violations, and user agreement to Discord’s updated Monetization Terms and Server Subscriptions Policy.
According to Digital Trends, the company hasn’t announced when the feature will be launched to users outside of the US.
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