Top 5 wither skeleton farms in Minecraft


Wither Skeleton Farm is a great way to get the wither skull needed to summon the wither. The wither is one of the most difficult boss creatures in Minecraft.

Due to their rarity, it is usually difficult to obtain wither skulls in Minecraft. Wither skeletons are unlikely to drop skulls when they are killed. Any given wither skeleton has a 2.5% chance of falling off their head.

Planting wither skeletons has always been a solution for the Minecraft community to obtain these rare items. Wither Skeleton Farm can also provide a lot of coal and bones.

There are several ways to do this, so here are some of the best ways to breed wither skeletons.

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Best Minecraft Wither Skeleton Farm

5) WadZee’s farm

The popular Minecraft YouTuber WadZee has built a complex and effective wither skeleton farm, which is incredible, while playing in hardcore mode.

First, WadZee discovered a fortress with a huge open lava pool below the fort. A fortress like this would be the ideal location for this version of the wither skeleton farm.

Next, WadZee covered the surrounding area with a lot of slabs to prevent other creatures from spawning around the farm. This obviously took a long time. This may be time consuming, but it is the best way to ensure safety around the wither skeleton farm.

The materials collected for this construction are cobblestone slabs, wither roses, carpets, nether bricks, a famous piglin, trapdoors, glass, a button, stone walls, chests, hoppers, mine carts, sticky pistons, two Pet wolf, railroad tracks and levers.

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4) Portal farm of LogicalGeekBoy

LogicalGeekBoy on YouTube created a wither skeleton farm that can exist in the main world using the Nether Portal.

This farm is multi-level and very detailed. The wither skeleton will do a lot of travel on this farm, but if done correctly, this build is both impressive and effective.

LogicalGeekBoy’s portal farm involves spawning skeletons in the Nether, transporting them to the Overworld and guiding them through a long tube filled with water. This is a complex to build a farm, and perhaps the most difficult aspect is to ensure that the Nether Portal is properly connected between the Nether and the Overworld.

The various materials used in this wither skeleton farm include glass blocks, mushroom lights, tamed wolves, named piglins, wither roses, nether bricks, buttons, obsidian, stairs, gold nuggets, trapdoors, walls, grass Blocks, torches, water sources, signs, boats and chickens.

3) Deathdealer’s farm

Deathdealer on YouTube has a large wither skeleton farm, which contains a lot of redstone. Those Minecraft players who are gifted in redstone may find this withered skeleton farm very interesting.

The creator first found a nether fortress in a soul sand valley as the location of a farm. This is done to limit the number of creatures that may spawn nearby, because the number of creatures in the soul sand biome is limited.

The wither skeleton farm consists of a multi-layer spawning area and three platforms filled with wither roses. Then, there is a separate AFK collection area. In addition, Deathdealer’s wither skeleton farm is also connected to the main world.

The items used in this version include hell rock, wither rose, glass, walls, trapdoors, named piglins, iron golems, obsidian, billboards, honey blocks, kelp, funnels, throwers, railroad tracks, mine carts, carpets , Sticky Piston, Observer, Comparator and other blocks that can be seen in the video tutorial.

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2) Phi1LzA’s farm

The popular Minecraft YouTuber and Twitch Streamer Ph1LzA have built a very effective wither skeleton farm. Impressively, Ph1LzA also built this farm in his famous series that he played in hardcore mode.

This construction is done using leaves, glass blocks, glowstone, trapdoors, buttons, nether rocks and nether bricks and nether brick walls, wither roses, and a named piglin. It is worth noting that this farm was built outside the Nether fortress, although this structure is the main place where the wither skeleton spawns.

As soon as PhiLzA completed the farm, a large number of wither skeletons were produced almost immediately. Within a few minutes, he had already got 3 wither heads.

Obviously, Ph1LzA is very talented in Minecraft, so following his construction will definitely have an impact on other Minecraft players.

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1) LogicalGeekBoy’s non-withered rose farm

LogicalGeekBoy has also created a simpler and amazing wither skeleton farm without using wither roses or redstone blocks. This is probably the simplest wither skeleton farm players can build.

This wither skeleton farm is built in the fortress, allowing wither skeletons to spawn naturally. LogicalGeekBoy created a wide platform with slates, carpets, trapdoors, turtle eggs and a named piglin, which in turn allows most wither skeletons to spawn nearby.

The materials used in this wither skeleton farm include nether bricks, carpets, stairs, walls, glass blocks, trapdoors, cacti, sand, funnels, turtle eggs and chests.

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