The untold story behind Lev’s voice in “The Last of Us Part Two”


Before meeting Levi The Last of Us Part Two, You see his arrow pierced the cheek of a man who is about to hit Lev’s sister Yara with a hammer. There is nothing subtle about Lev’s introduction. He was swift and shrewd, walking through the woods like a ghost in the dark, and even hiding like a small wild animal, saving his sister from the religious cult that they desperately wanted to escape.

Abby-the anti-hero and split focus of the second half of the game-was hung from her neck, and when she heard Lev’s voice for the first time, she lost her life within a few seconds. When he called his sister’s name, his voice was sharp, fast, sharp and full of concern, jumping over the stone roadblock as easily as a 13-year-old boy, pulling his bow and arrow. Abby thinks she is saved.

Lev looked at his sister, then looked up at Abby—he shaved his head, frowned, and opened his mouth—not sure whether Abby should be cut off, because her people had been with him for a long time. The people fought and competed for control of Seattle after the end of the world, infected with the raging world.

So when Yara told Lev to cut her off, Lev used his voice to fight back. “She is one of them,” he said. But Yala insisted. He must save her. You see, all life is precious. Lev did as he ordered, although a little reluctant, when Abby was released, the three of them began their own tragic journey until late at night.

I: Every story has two aspects

Lev is a secondary character The Last of Us Part Two, Probably the most divided and watched game since the previous generation Released one year agoWhen Abby embarks on the road to redemption, the player will play her role in the second half of the game. But the story of the 13-year-old transgender teenager Lev (Lev) is even more fascinating. He was forced into exile when his community rejected him.

Lev is escaping from Seraphim, an authoritarian religious cult whose members strictly adhere to their predetermined roles. He violated his duty as the wife of the elder Seraphim and shaved his head. This was a male decision. By taking back his identity in this way, he puts himself and his family in danger.

“One thing we want to explore is this fictitious religion, and how religions, especially organized religions, can accommodate those wonderful and terrible things in terms of spirituality, xenophobia, and exclusion of certain identities,” El Druckman said, creative director and co-president of game developer Naughty Dog. “Whenever you do something like this, you have to make sure that it is not symbolism, but something that fits the story.”

Lev’s story is full of complexity. In a world full of violence and intolerable grief, in a world where it is easier to worry about the enemy than to care about others, Lev just wanted to stay alone and live out his truth peacefully.He is full of hope and certainty-he knows without a doubt who he is and what he wants to be-he doesn’t ask for anything in return, he just asks for permission exist. Lev’s story resonated with many people in the LGBTQ community because it is a familiar narrative of belonging and survival.

But in the course of the game, Lev evolved from a quiet, reserved boy struggling to find his place in the world, into perhaps the most eye-catching character and the only rational voice in the game.In fact, in the second half of the year The Last of Us Part Two Every word, every action of Lev and every opportunity to discover his voice.

2: Scars from previous lives

In Lev’s story, actor Ian Alexander saw many similarities to his own life: his religious upbringing, his parents’ rejection of him, how he shaved his head as a rebellious act.

Photography: Tracy Nguyen

The authenticity of the representative is the key factor that makes Lev come to life. For actors, this is also a challenging role. As a secondary character, Lev’s development is driven by AI in response to the player’s behavior as Abby. Hundreds of lines are recorded to illustrate each variable or potential outcome in the game.


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