The new champion of the League of Legends, Vex, will become a hard resistance to ultra-mobile carriers
trouble It is the latest champion who is expected to join the huge roster of League of Legends in the near future.
Vex is a sad Yordle who wants the world to fall into eternal depression. She was introduced along with the Sentinel of Light incident, which has been helping Vigo collect all the fragments of Isolde’s soul. Vex’s design is very interesting, and since she was first introduced, players have been very excited to know that she is in League of Legends.
Although there is no concrete evidence yet, Riot Games has hinted at the basic functions of their upcoming championship.
Vex and her new abilities in League of Legends
First of all, it is worth mentioning that Riot Games recently mentioned that Vex will release League of Legends somewhere in September. She will also have a featured skin that will be released with her. Her skin is expected to be part of the Nightmare Skin in Crime City, and is expected to be released in League of Legends in August.
Just remember, the crime city nightmare should be launched next month.
-Spider Axe (@Spideraxe30) July 29, 2021
Vex is a champion around using her shadow. Initially, it was thought that she would become one of the battle mage in the game like Ryze. However, the recent Sentinel of Light incident further confirmed that she will focus on using her shadow as a means of controlling the enemy. This means that once Vex enters the game, heroes like Lucian, Aksan and Samira will have difficulty getting in and out of battle.
Vex doesn’t like happy people, so she wants to make sure that champions who are free to run can be prevented from doing so. However, Riot developers are very careful about the balance of the hero because they don’t want her to disrupt other players’ games.
Riot developers said in a recent Q&A session:
“We are working hard to make her Source of power (Aka her shadow) is just right in the game, which is why she releases a bit after the Sentinel of Light incident.“
The last two chapters of the Sentinel of Light event have been released, which means that players will draw conclusions after completing the event. The last two chapters require 3000 points to complete, about 10 games, each award 600 points.After the event, the future of Vex and Viego will be clearer and pave the way Future events In League of Legends.
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