The 5 fastest classic sports cars in GTA Online
For thrill seekers and their sports classics, top speed is everything; GTA Online offers a large number of such vehicles.
Sports classic is a Classical Call back to previous generations. These GTA online vehicles are not only stylish, but they also have a respectable top speed. Some of these sports classics are widely used in competitive competitions. A typical example is the ubiquitous Toreador.
Through accurate in-game testing, these statistics are compiled by Broughy1322. The top speeds of all these classic sports are measured accordingly. GTA Online players will use these ultra-modern vehicles to break the speed limit. However, the maximum speed also depends on the optimal modification.
Here are five classic sports cars that are faster in GTA online mode
5) Monroe ($490,000)
The top speed of Pegassi Monroe can reach 122 mph. Based on the Lamborghini Miura in real life, it is very fast on the road. In terms of appearance, it is very smooth and stylish for sports classics.
At a higher rate Acceleration, Monroe stood out from the crowd. Its consistency keeps the player from losing control because it does not oversteer like other similar vehicles.
In terms of performance, it is above average in every statistic. It is very suitable for long-distance scenic driving near the ocean.
This sports classic is either named after Matt Monroe or Marilyn Monroe. It is obviously inspired by Italian manufacturers, but it also has a feminine design. Coincidentally, actor Nicolas Cage (Nicolas Cage) bought a Lamborghini Miura at the same price as Monroe.
4) Viseris (US$875,000)
Using Lampadati Viseris at 124.25 mph is not to be underestimated.It must look like a sports classic directly James Bond Flick. The performance of Viseris is slightly below average.
Thankfully, it can be fully upgraded to have some of the highest top speeds in GTA Online.
When moving in a straight line, Viseris will have extraordinary speed. However, it is easy to lose control when it starts to spin. GTA online players must carefully drive this classic sports game. Given its suspension function, it is indeed a useful drift car.
GTA online players can equip this car with a machine gun. In terms of combat, it has a good offensive power against opponents.
Unfortunately, it is actually useless against heavy armored vehicles. It is best for players to avoid conflicts with this classic sports game.
3) Type Z ($950,000)
Truffade Z-Type is a luxury brand car with a top speed of 126.25 mph. This is a very old car. It can be traced back to when the chaebol company owned it in GTA 2. Z-Type shines in GTA online mode, transitioning from the 2D era of the series to 3D.
In terms of performance, Z-Type uses a V12 engine to achieve higher speeds. Unfortunately, it is difficult to make sharp corners because of its poor weight distribution.It can also Spin out of control When oversteer. However, a good driver should be no problem.
For GTA online players, Z-Type is mainly a fashion statement. This is a clever reminder of how far the series has gone since the past. Interestingly, Devon Weston hinted that only ten models were made.
Given its availability in GTA online mode, this is clearly not the case. Anyone can buy it now.
2) Deluxe Edition ($4,721,500)
Use this to go back to the future Deeply inspired vehicle. Imponte Deluxo has a top speed of 127.25 mph, ranking second in classic sports events. It is also one of the most expensive items on this list.
The transition from the 3D era to the HD format has not changed much. Deluxo is slightly narrower than the original version. However, it can now use the hovercraft mode. This allows it to fly on the ground.
Despite slight oversteer, Deluxo handles itself well at top speed. It also uses weapons such as homing missiles and machine guns. Experienced GTA online players will make good use of this car.
1) Matador (3,666,000 USD)
Toreador’s top speed is as high as 135.25 mph, which is the highest among all classic sports. With good handling and acceleration, it is a respected vehicle on the road. However, its real use lies in combat situations and immersion in water.
The matador is Perfect counter To the oppressor Mk II. Not only does it have machine guns and missile launchers, Toreador can also make a large number of hits. With precisely arranged lenses, the oppressor can be taken out immediately. Toreadors are often compared to Strombergs and Deluxos.
Even better, it also uses submarine mode to dive underwater. It can even use sonar capabilities to detect nearby treasures. Toreadors are a valuable asset for GTA online players, because they can do almost anything. On land, sea and air, Toreador is devastating.
Note: This article only represents the author’s personal views.
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