Riot detailed all the buffs of Jhin, Maokai and Sivir in the League of Legends patch 11.16 preview
League of Legends Patch 11.16 will introduce a lot of hero adjustments in the game.
Although the patch will arrive on the real-time server a week later than the usual time frame, developers will not hesitate to balance the game.
Therefore, this time, some stronger picks will appear on the undercut list.One of the most famous nerf in League of Legends Patch 11.16 Ziggs will receive it.
In the past few weeks, Giggs has completely taken over the bot lane in professional games and standard matching. But with the upcoming update, the role of the Yordle will decrease.
In addition, Jhin, Maokai, and Sivir will get some Quality of life update This can help them get back into the metadata.
League of Legends Patch 11.16 Preview
We really make it feasible for Vlad to use Glasscannon, because he will now get more HP from it, Nice.
Although Fiora’s nerf is just her E CD, not her real dmg or treatment, but Nice.
At the same time, Giggs was triple weakened, mana decreased, E dmg decreased and slowed down.
There is nothing to say, one day only Yorick needs to be repaired. pic.twitter.com/Bai95mbE2E
-Kampsycho (@Kampsycho) July 28, 2021
League of Legends system Nerfs
- Dark seal: AP group 5 >>> 4; the number of stacks lost at death 4 >>> 5
League of Legends system gain
- Fleet footwork: Push back a patch
- redemption: Treatment 180-360 >>> 200-400; CD 120s >>> 90s
League of Legends champion Nerfs
- Diana: P Monster damage 300 >>> 250%
- Fiora: E CD 11-5 >>> 11-7
- No need to read: W Omnivamp 10-30% >>> 5-25%
- Lulu: W CD 15-11 >>> 16-12; R CD 110-80 >>> 120-80
- Carbon black: P damage 12-60 >>> 8-60; Q treatment 15-35 >>> 10-30
- Xin Zhao: Basic AD 66 >>> 63
- Giggs: Mana 420 >>> 480 (11.14 recovery); E damage per heart 40-180 >>> 30-190; slower 30-50% >>>10-50%
League of Legends champion fans
- Jarvan IV: P current health damage 8% >>> 10%; R bonus advertising rate 150% >>>180%
- Jin: W damage 50-190 >>> 60-200; R minimum damage AD ratio 20% >>> 25%
- Maokai: P treatment 5-13% >>> 7-15%; E damage 25-125 >>> 20-120; E AP ratio 0.8% per 100 AP >>> 0.7%
- Nunu Lady 340 >>> 345; E total damage 54% AP >>> 90% AP
- Nicolas: Bug fixes, and restore the Q displayed in the fog of war from 11.15
- Sivir: W AD Ratio 30-70% >>> 30-90% Vladimir P Each point of AP provides 1.4 >>> 1.6 HP; every 40 >>> 30 points of additional health gain 1 point of additional AP
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