Moot calls for efforts to promote harmony among different faiths

Leaders, social activists, and diplomats from different religious groups called for efforts to promote harmony between different faiths at a multi-faith meeting, saying that this is essential to the peace and development of society.
The Interreligious Peace and Harmony Commission (ICPH), in cooperation with the American Muslim and Multifaith Women’s Empowerment Commission (AMMWEC), organized the 2021 International Religious Freedom and Interreligious Harmony Conference at a local hotel on Tuesday to discuss tolerance in the public and political spheres .
Religious scholars and leaders from different faiths, including Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Parsi and Bahá’í communities, diplomats from various countries and people from all walks of life attended the meeting.
Provincial Minister Nasir Husian Shah said that ending extremism and sectarian violence requires dialogue between different groups. “In order to achieve this goal, the government has been planning to organize training courses for imams, missionaries, and teachers in accordance with modern requirements and social standards,” he said.
US Consul General Rob Silberstein participated in the event in a virtual way. He said that inter-religious harmony is an important concept in a multi-religious society. “Appropriate arrangements should be made for the coexistence of religions around the world. The ability to practice one’s faith freely is the core of human nature,” he said.
UAE Consul General Bakheet Ateeq Alremeithi said that this unique religious landmark symbolizes that all communities living in the UAE, regardless of their nationality, beliefs and religion, have experienced a state of peaceful coexistence and human fraternity. “The new landmark will symbolize the coexistence and human fraternity experienced by people of different races, ethnicities and beliefs in the UAE,” he said.
ICPH Chairman Allama Imam Ahsan Siddiqui stated that with the support of Ulema and Mashaikh, his organization has been playing an effective role to check the abuse of the blasphemy law; therefore, the rumors must not be used to oppose the violation of religious freedom in Pakistan.
He said that all religious groups agree that no forced conversions can be made and all such incidents are being dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Siddiqui also stated that Ulama has played an effective role in suppressing underage marriages, and representatives of different religions, denominations and governments are coordinating this.
Cardinal Joseph Koutz, Bishop of the Catholic Church of Pakistan, said: “We are fortunate to have the opportunity to spread love and peace. If we observe the principle of mutual respect, we can avoid hurting others.”
He suggested that leaders and scholars of different faiths should visit places of worship of other faiths to further promote social, cultural and religious harmony.
Anila Ali, head of AMMWEC, stated that this is not only the responsibility of religious leaders, but also the responsibility of all participants in civil society. “In the past, there have been incidents in which politicians incited religious hatred for the benefit of elections,” she said.
At the end of the event, all religious scholars, civil society members and all attendees signed a statement and promise that they will become active promoters of inter-religious harmony, love and respect among practitioners of different religions. Religious belief in the peaceful coexistence of human beings.
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