Chile starts drafting a new constitution next month | Political News


President Piñera stated that Parliament will begin drafting a new constitution on July 4 to replace the charter of the Pinochet era.

Chile’s President Sebastian Pinera stated that the parliament drafting the new constitution will hold its first meeting on July 4th, as the South American country is moving towards replacing its current conservative dictatorship era charter. Move in the direction.

After widespread social protests that erupted due to inequality at the end of 2019, the rewriting of the constitution was the result of broad political consensus.

Piñera said on Sunday: “This conference undoubtedly represents an excellent opportunity to formulate a new constitution, which will be recognized and respected by all Chileans for our democratic future under the framework of unity and stability.”

In nine months, this 155-member drafting body will have to balance the public’s call for profound social change with the need to maintain a strong economy, as it rewrites Augusto Pino The old constitution during the reign of Augusto Pinochet.

Their term of office can be extended for another three months, and the agency will need a two-thirds majority to approve the draft, which will be submitted to a referendum next year, and voting will be mandatory.

Chile saw widespread protests against inequality in 2019 [File: Claudio Reyes/AFP]

Chile’s current constitution dates back to 1980 and was promulgated during the heyday of Pinochet’s rule from 1973 to 1990, limiting the role of the state while supporting private enterprises.

Many people blame it on the deep-rooted gulf between rich and poor, but others, mostly right-wingers, cheer for decades of economic growth in the country.

When choosing the institution to formulate the new charter, voters in May turned their backs on traditional parties and flocked to independent candidates who have no partisanship but are mainly left-wing or socialist ideologies.

Many independent candidates—a variety of teachers, writers, journalists, lawyers, and activists—have participated in or been inspired by the 2019 uprising and promised social change.


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