How to travel safely during the pandemic summer (2021)


The overseas states, territories and territories of the United States have stricter entry regulations. In Hawaii, even if you get vaccinated, You must be tested for Covid-19 And receive a negative result before your flight (if you were initially vaccinated outside Hawaii).Otherwise, please be prepared for a mandatory 10-day quarantine after arrival, despite the test requirements Will cancel the vaccinated passengers on July 8. Travelers who have recently recovered from Covid-19 infection Can also be exempted, Under certain circumstances.

Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, This United States Virgin Islands, The Northern Mariana Islands also has its own immigration review and requirements.Take a look CDC’s domestic travel guide Before you plan a trip.

Am I safe on the plane?

Ah, that old flying bus. You can reduce the risk of infection by ensuring that it has been more than two weeks since the last vaccination and wearing masks (for example, no food) at airports and airplanes as much as possible.The current U.S. federal law requires wear mask At all times at the airport and on the passenger plane.We have Recommended masks here.

Some commercial aircraft have powerful air filtration systems that can scrub and switch all the air in the cabin Two or three times per minute. This is more common than in a typical commercial building or your home. All major U.S. airlines are now booking middle seats-during the pandemic, they have been blocking the middle seats to create space between passengers, but now they are gone. For more information on what happens when flying, please visit your airline’s Covid-19 portal:

If you are driving, read WIRED critic Medea Giordano’s Guidelines for safe road trips during a pandemicIf the driving time is too long and you want to avoid flying, Amtrak is another option.It has been upgrading its trains COVID-19 prevention measures. You can reserve one Private room If you want to be completely separated from other passengers.

Can I travel if I have not been vaccinated?

If you are not vaccinated, your travel will not be so easy and you will put yourself at risk Higher risk of contracting Covid-19Wearing a mask can reduce some risks, but there is a lack of good data on how much-and it will not reduce the risk like vaccination.

seriously, The vaccine is safe, They Don’t magnetize your blood, And them Does not contain human fetal cellsThe wired office was crowded with people, including myself, and they were stimulated. Among us, we have all three brands of vaccines. We will not tell you to do anything that we have not done ourselves. The possibility of serious side effects is very small, “Wired” senior reporter Adam Rogers (Adam Rogers) Talk frankly about them here.

Do I need to be quarantined?

If you are not vaccinated, it is almost certain. That is if they let you in. If the Covid-19 test is negative, you may be released in a few days. But maybe not. Countries usually require 10 or 14 days in a specific hotel, and you cannot leave by examination National rules You are going to visit. In some cases, some island states, territories and territories in the United States will also isolate you. Remember, you may need to pay for this out of pocket. Bills denominated in U.S. dollars often quadruple.

So, uh, vaccine passport? Tell me this.

Now, the paper vaccination card you get when you vaccinate is your most important document. At least for now, this is the default document you should bring with you when you travel to show that you have been vaccinated.

You can get the World Health Organization Yellow Card, which is an official vaccination certificate recognized by most places in the world.Despite the rumors, travel does not require a WHO yellow card, but if you want one, you can Purchased from the U.S. Government Bookstore for $25. Give your blank yellow card to your vaccine provider and ask them to add your vaccination information in it.


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