How to get Netherite scrap in Minecraft
Netherite is one of the rarest materials in the world my worldSince its introduction in the game, making tools with materials has been a priority for many players.
Players need Netherite scrap to make Netherite ingots. Netherite scrap can be made by smelting materials from The Nether, called Ancient wreck.
In rare cases, Netherite scraps can also be found in loot boxes in the Nether in the fortress ruins.
In addition to these options, it is more or less difficult for survival mode players to find the Netherite scraps they need.
Ancient wreck Not an easy discovery In the Nether, but the reward is worth it.
Mining ancient fragments in Minecraft to smelt into Netherite scrap
Before Minecraft players can start mining ancient fragments, they need to obtain a diamond pickaxe or a stronger pickaxe. Assuming that the player does not have Netherite equipment, he must use a diamond pickaxe to complete this job.
Once they have the necessary tools, Minecraft players should look for ancient fragments at altitudes 8-22. You can check the altitude of a person by activating the “Display Coordinates” setting in Bedrock Edition or pressing F3 in Java Edition.
The altitude is measured by the displayed Y coordinate, so players should pay attention to it when descending. According to analysis by the Minecraft community, Y level 15 is (on average) the altitude where ancient fragments are most likely to be present.
Once the proper altitude is reached, the player will have to dig in the same way as in the main world. However, given the dangerous nature of the Nether, there is no harm in being extra careful and alert for sudden traps or lava flows. These can quickly end the tour of Minecraft players.
Ancient fragments are not common blocks in the Nether, so the excavation process may take some time. In fact, ancient fragments would naturally be produced in the form of “clumps” with at most two pieces each.
1-3 pieces of ancient fragments will be similar to the distribution of lapis lazuli, while other fragments will appear sporadically between Y=8 and Y=119. Finding ancient fragments requires a lot of work, but it is recommended that players start with Y=15 and then move from there.
Once the player has their ancient fragments, they can throw it into a smelter with some fuel. After heating, the fragments will turn into Netherite scrap, and Minecraft players will be one step closer to the ingots they need Netherite tools and armor.
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