Heath Slater on what Brock Lesner looks like in real life
Former WWE star Heath Slater revealed his experience of working together Brocklesner Behind the scenes.
Slater’s “I have children” slogan was created in a conversation with Lesner. Lesner’s famous answer is: “I don’t treat your children as ***.” The eighth WWE The world champion also hit the former 3MB member with a clothesline, two suplex and an F-5.
in a Championship battle In the video, Slater said Lesner received a “bad reputation” for caring about himself rather than the wrestling business. He also clarified that although Lesner has a legitimate fighting background, the former UFC heavyweight champion is not too aggressive towards his opponents:
“Yes, I think he was badly criticized for this,” Slater said. “But then again, he is looking for him. This is what he has always been and will always be. You know, he will take care of himself and make sure he is okay, and then you go.
“But working Brock, you didn’t really work Brock. He just tossed you around, and you just need to land safely or something. Oh no, he has [take care of opponents]. Man, I took all those German suplexes and he flattened me. Of course, it hurts, but this is one of them. “
Slater recently talked about Such a good shooting podcast A snippet about him and Lesnar.He revealed that the phrase “I have a child” is not scripted, and he Only because he forgot the line.
Heath Slater on Brock Lesnar’s views on the WWE market segment
Jon Moxley (Fka Dean Ambrose) Charged in 2019 Brock Lesner changed the original plan of the WWE SummerSlam 2018 Main Event in a short time. He also highly criticized Lesner’s attitude in Wrestling Mania 32.
When talking about Lesner’s backstage attitude, Heath Slater said that the 44-year-old was more laid-back than some people thought:
“To be honest, I think he never caused anything,” Slater added. “Every time I mingled with him, he would say,’I don’t know, maybe this, maybe that.’ I just thought,’Ah, damn it, maybe I won’t die!'”

Brock Lesnar is currently a free agent after his contract with WWE expired last year. As shown in the video above, he has grown a ponytail since his last appearance in WWE.
If you use the quotes in this article, please give credit to Title Match Wrestling and provide H/T for Sportskeeda Wrestling for transcription.
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