Eric Adams tops New York City Mayor’s Primary Election-Currently | Crime News


The mayor of Brooklyn, Eric Adams, is a former sheriff who put public safety at the core of his campaign for mayor of New York City. He led 13 Democratic candidates in the primary election on Tuesday. But it is unlikely that the results will be known in a few weeks.

After calculating 90% of the face-to-face votes, Adams was selected as the first choice in 31% of the votes. However, as at least 87,000 absentee ballots have not yet been processed, and the new ranking selection voting system is in place, the final result is expected to be as early as mid-July.

Adams told cheerful supporters that he has not yet won, and that under the new system, there are still multiple rounds of vote-counting work to be done.

“We know there will be twos and threes,” he said. “But there are some things we know. We know that New York City says,’Our first choice is Eric Adams.'”

The ranking selection system was approved for use in the New York City primary and special elections through a referendum in 2019, allowing voters to rank up to five candidates on their ballots.

The competition seems to have narrowed to three candidates, all vying for the opportunity to lead the country’s most populous city in a difficult environment. restore From Coronavirus pandemicAs a leading liberal candidate, former MSNBC analyst and civil rights lawyer Maya Wiley ranks second with 22%. Kathryn Garcia is a former health director who ran as an experienced technocrat with a support rate of 20%.

On June 22, 2021, Democratic mayoral candidate Maya Wiley (left) greets voters at a campaign station near the polling station near West Village in New York City [Mary Altaffer/AP Photo]

Willie, who was still hoarse, later admitted to the uncertainty of the game in a speech. “What we celebrate today is that we have a path,” she said.

Garcia told her supporters, “I know we won’t know more tonight, so I want to thank everyone here and everyone who participated in this journey.”

In view of the serious tendency of the Democratic Party in the city, the winner of the Democratic race on Tuesday will become the overwhelming replacement for the limited-term mayor Bill de Blasio in the November general election.

Democratic mayoral candidate Kathryn Garcia (Kathryn Garcia) talks to the media in the Upper West Side of New York on June 22, 2021 [Richard Drew/AP Photo]

In the Republican primary elections, Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa defeated businessman Fernando Mateo. Ranking selection voting is not a factor, because there are only two candidates in the competition.

The results of the Democratic Party on Tuesday were enough to force the fourth-ranked entrepreneur and former presidential candidate Yang Ande to make concessions.

Several candidates in the race have the potential to make history if elected. The city may have a first female mayor, or a second black mayor, depending on who is in the first place.

Voters are also choosing among eight Democratic candidates, including Iranian-American Tali Farhadian Weinstein and Palestinian-American Tahanie Aboushi, who are seeking to replace the retiring Manhattan district attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.

As the state prosecutor Alvin Bragg (Alvin Bragg) compared with the former federal prosecutor Farhadian Weinstein (Farhadian Weinstein), there are still thousands of votes to be counted, so no winner has been selected. Aboushi ranked third with 11% of the votes.

It is almost guaranteed that the nominee who wins the November election will inherit Vance’s Criminal investigation Enter the business empire of former President Donald Trump.

Rising crime rate is a key issue

The next New York City mayor will face severe challenges, including wealth inequality, police accountability, lack of affordable housing, and troubled tourism.

But worry about one Increase in shootings During the pandemic, mayoral campaigns have dominated in recent months, although candidates have been struggling to respond to more requests for police reform from the left.

As a former military officer, but his career has been fighting racism within the department, Adams may have benefited the most from the police debate.

He condemned “Cancel funding for the policeThe slogan also proposes to resume the disbanded plainclothes troops, focusing on keeping illegal guns away from the streets.

The leading moderate candidates—Adams, Garcia, and Young—all called for increased police resources.

In contrast, Wiley proposed to cut $1 billion from the nearly $6 billion New York police budget and redirect funding to other services, such as mental health counseling.

The results of the election may help to show the Democratic voter’s position on crime issues before the 2022 midterm elections.

‘Ranking Choice Voting’

The primary election is the city’s first mayoral election campaign using rankings to select votes. Voters can rank up to five candidates in order of priority.

In addition to Adams, Garcia, Wiley, and Young, other contenders for the Democratic campaign include City Comptroller Scott Stringer, former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Sean Donovan, and former Citigroup executives. Ray McGuire and non-profit executive Diane Morales.

Tuesday’s results reflect only the best choices of voters who voted in person.

On June 14, 2021, during the early voting period in the New York City primary election, an election staff member and voters checked the ranking selection vote explanation card [File: Mary Altaffer/AP Photo]

Then, in computerized rounds, the voting table is performed, and the last person is eliminated in each round, and then the votes for that person are redistributed to the surviving candidates according to the voter ranking. This process continues until only two candidates remain. The person with the most votes wins.

Until June 29th, the election committee will not use the new system to count these votes. It will not include any absent ballots in the analysis until July 6, so any counts before then may be unreliable.

Among the votes counted on the election night, Adams trailed Garcia and Wiley when voters listed their second, third and fourth choices in the ranked-choice voting system.


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