Akshan hits the Rift, and Gwen and Arelia face some weakening
The League of Legends 11.15 patch will officially start the Sentinel of Light event and introduce the latest mid lane assassin Akeshan into the list.
However, the arrival of Schulmian Sentinel will not be the only update in the game. This time, many champions will enter the list of weakened and enhanced, and Gwen, Arelia and Vigo will be greatly weakened in this patch.
On the other hand, Cassiopeia, Mordekaiser, and Kenan will gain some gains, and they may return to the meta-environment.
League of Legends fans looking for a detailed description of the patch can check Riot’s official website.
However, for a brief overview, here are all the main highlights.
League of Legends 11.15 patch official instructions
[New] Akshan
Passive-dirty fight
- Akshan’s attack and damage skills will cause physical damage every three hits.If the target is a hero, Akzan will also get a shield
- After the attack, Akshan will launch a second attack, causing physical damage to be reduced. The second shot can be cancelled like a normal attack.If Akzan cancels the second shot, he will gain explosive movement speed
Q-The Avengers
- Akshan throws a boomerang, inflicting physical damage and exposing the enemy hit, expanding its range every time it hits an enemy.The enemy can be hit once when the boomerang goes out, and once when it returns
- Passive: When an enemy hero kills an ally of Akshan, they will be marked as villains.When Akzan knocks down a villain, he will get extra gold coins, all allies killed by the villain will be resurrected at their base, and the villain status of all other enemies will be removed
- Active: Akeshan will camouflage indefinitely for a short time or when approaching terrain.During this period, Aksan can see the trail leading to the villains and gain movement speed and mana regeneration when moving towards them
E-Heroic swing
- Akshan fires a hook embedded in the first terrain hit. When embedded, he can recast the spell to swing around the terrain in the casting direction, and fire physical damage bullets at the nearest enemy while swinging.When swinging, he can cast a spell again to jump down in the direction of the cursor and launch the final blow
- When Akzan knocks down an enemy hero, the cooldown of the hero’s swing will be reset
- Akshan targeted an enemy hero and began to channel energy into his gun to store bullets.At the end of the duration or after recasting, Akshan releases the stored bullets, and each bullet will cause physical damage to the first minion, hero, or building based on the lost health.
- Akzan can move normally and cast a hero swing when channeling and firing compensation
- Damage rate: 80% AP to 75% AP
Aurelion Sol
Q-Xing Chung
- Cooling time: 11/10/9/8/7 seconds to 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
Armor: 37 to 40
Q-Rocket Grab
- Damage: 70/120/170/220/270 (+100% AP) to 90/140/190/240/290 (+120% AP)
Q-Piltworth Peacemaker
- Damage ratio: 130/140/150/160/170% AD to 130/145/160/175/190% AD
E-Double teeth
- Base enhancement damage: 10/30/50/70/90 to 20/40/60/80/100
E-skip the slash
- Attack speed bonus: 40/50/60/70/80% to 20/35/50/65/80%
W-Dance of Resistance
- Damage rate: 50% AD (maximum 150% AD) to 40% AD (maximum 120% AD)
- Damage reduction: 40%~80% physical damage, 20%~40% magic damage (level 1~18), 44%~70% physical damage, 20%~35% magic damage (level 1~18)
Magic resistance: 30-26
Q-Thunder Shuriken
- Damage: 75/115/155195/235 (+75% AP) to 85/130/175/220/265 (+80% AP)
- Cooling time: 14/13/12/11/10 seconds to 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
- Damage caused by storage mitigation damage: 35% to 45%
Health: 545 (level one) to 570 (level one)
Healthy growth: 85 to 95
- Cooling time: 13 seconds to 11 seconds
Passive – Junkyard Titan
- [Update] Fixed a bug where Rumble’s heat would start to decay at an inconsistent time instead of the expected four seconds
- [New] Overheating check: Rumble will now overheat immediately when it reaches 100 Heat, instead of a short window where multiple spells can be cast before overheating
- [Update] Store undo bug fix: When undoing a store purchase, the heat of Rumble is no longer reset to the previous value
- [Update] Tool tip: The overheating duration of 5.25 seconds is now correctly indicated (the actual overheating duration remains unchanged)
E-Electric Harpoon
- [Update] Out of range bug fix: The rumble no longer stops moving when aiming at an electric harpoon at a very long distance
Q-Double bite
- Cooling time: 9/8/7/6/5 seconds to 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds
- First strike damage rate: 25% AP to 35% AP (AD ratio remains unchanged)
- Second hit damage ratio: 15% AP to 25% AP (AD ratio remains unchanged)
Q-Chain Whip
- Explosion damage: 60/115/170/225/280 (+80% AP) to 70/125/180/230/290 (+90% AP)
- Treatment: 30/60/90/120/150 (+45% AP) to 25/50/75/100/125 (+40% AP)
- Maximum treatment: 60/120/180/240/300 (+90% AP) to 50/100/150/200/250 (+80% AP)
Q-Dark ball
- Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana to 40/50/60/70/80 mana
- Cooling time: 11/10.5/10/9.5/9 seconds to 13/12.25/11.5/10.75/10 seconds
Q-Blade of the Ruined King
- Base damage: 25/40/55/70/85 to 15/30/45/60/75
- Extra damage to monsters: 10 to 20
- Damage recovery from marked followers: 50% to 10%
Health regeneration: 4 to 2.5
- Cooling time: 160/145/130 seconds to 140/120/100 seconds
- Boarding team extra resistance: 20 to 45 extra armor and extra magic resistance (1/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17 levels) to 20 to 60 extra armor and extra magic resistance (Level 9 to 18)
Ultimate Spellbook Update
Ultimate Summoner Spell Pool
- [New] Murphy: R-Thunder Clap is now available, with 0 bonus skill Haste and 80% ratio
- [Rem] Tydamir: R-Unbreakable Fury is no longer available
Champion enthusiast
- +5% damage caused, -5% damage
Champion nerve
- Jax: +5% damage taken
- Trundle: +5% damage taken
- Yumi: -5% damage caused, -20% healing and shielding to -5% damage, -25% healing and shielding
Alternative summoner buff
- Miss rating: R-80% AD / AP ratio to 100% AD / AP ratio
- Jhin: R -35 additional skills accelerated to 45 additional skills accelerated
- Ezreal: R-80% AD / AP ratio to 90% AD / AP ratio
- Lightweight: R-80% AD / AP ratio to 90% AD / AP ratio
- Xerath: -90% to A/AP ratio to 100% AD/AP ratio
Replace the nerves of the summoner
- Olaf: R-10 Extra power accelerated to 0 Extra power accelerated
Bug fixes etc.
- Invisible champions can now get the invisible alternative summoners provided to them
- Human clones can now correctly copy health bar icons, including replacement Summoner icons. This fix also applies to a wider range (e.g. Omnistone will now copy its icon correctly)
- First Blood gold coins now correctly match the classic Summoner’s Canyon value (150 to 100 gold)
- Dragon Soul’s resurrection now triggers after the hero’s resurrection
- Fixed the bug that the announcement text of the stealing Polong was incorrect
- Volibear no longer sometimes spit missiles from his replacement summoner when trying to bite
According to Riot, the ultimate spellbook pairing has been “reseeded.” This means that the game should now be played between players with “more equal skill levels”. This fix took effect halfway through the previous patch, but Riot believes it is worth pointing out in patch 11.15.
Summoner’s Canyon ranks third
The third ranking match will start on Sunday, August 8. The Akshan Summoner icon, Akshan emoji, and the series one Eternals capsule will be available for competition.
- Jushen Conflict: The second weekend of the Jushen Conflict will be held from July 24th to 25th.
- Team formation for the second weekend will begin on July 19.
- Bandar Urban Conflict: The first weekend of Bandar Urban Conflict will be held from August 7th to 8th.
- Team formation for the first weekend will begin on August 2.
- The second weekend will take place during the 11.16 patch.
Bug fixes and quality of life changes
- Recall sound effects can now be played for basic Nautilus, Abyssal Nautilus, Underground Nautilus, Underground Nautilus, Space Nautilus and World Breaker Nautilus
- Fixed a bug on Kayn E SFX that would make a popping sound when looping
- Kayn’s global transformation sound effects will now apply to both allies and enemies
- Odyssey Kayn’s dance music is now in a specific form
- Kayn’s W on hit SFX is now form-specific
- Kayn Base’s recall sound effects are now form-specific
- Kayn’s transform sound effects are now stereo for local players
- Fixed an error where Lilia’s Q-Blooming Strike’s movement speed did not reduce AP from the rune
- Nocturne’s Passive-Shadow Blade can now properly heal pets in full
- If Illaoi enters another command immediately after casting the skill, her Q-Tentacle Slam animation will no longer be locked
- When cast in the Fog of War, Sacco’s Q-Deceptive Orange Smoke VFX now correctly appears from the enemy’s perspective
- Kled and all his skin have recovered one of his W voice lines
- Kled the Predator can now correctly switch between his installed and uninstalled voice lines
- Viego will now respond to Shadow Isles voice interaction instead of Demacian
- Fixed Zoe’s mocking tone of Ezreal and Lux
- Real damage Sena’s unique skin voice has been restored
Upcoming skins and shades
- Sentinel tomb
- Sentinel pike
- Sentinel Lunga
- Ruined Miss Doom
- Akeshan
- Unbound Thresh
Chrome alloy
- Sentinel tomb
- Sentinel pike
- Sentinel Lunga
- Ruined Miss Doom
- Akeshan
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